John Jānis Šteins

:: Artist ::


A delicious example of a language known as Artspeak.

“A continuum. The point at which deliberate order and reactive composition come together. The place where aestheticism meets spontaneous textural muscularity.

Charged by relational and discordant influences and polarities, the thrust is to pool these diverse energies and disciplines to build up and dismantle them at will thereby creating a new relationship between them. Art has a design.

The result is an expression that elevates both tendencies by giving presence to the planned and the primal, logical and visceral mind. The work is therefore not relegated to materials, color, scale or format but rather the philosophical relationship between chaos and control. Push and pull. Heavy and faint. Delicate and harsh. This is the constant ingredient. Chaos has a design.

As it relates to the viewer, my art is meant to provide all of the initial breadth of visual information, depth of compositional drama and the verisimilitude of style and environmental completeness to which the viewer can then extrapolate a personal meaning. The art is non-objective but has an agenda. The emotive is implied but perceived and exercised individually. A continuum, the point at which the work transforms after creation.”

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