im really interested in wood engraving, but i don’t have any specific tools designed for it (i do have generic chisel’s) is there a single tool, thats good for engraving a single piece of flat wood? kind of like a portrait? and how much would it cost? and could i find it at places like home depot and lowes?
I like my dremel tool, you can get many attachments for it. plus it’s useful for lots of things.
In wood engraving a "burin" is used to cut the end grain of a hard dense wood [boxwood is very good]
Engraving Tools
Sharp Chisels are used to make Woodcuts and typically the grain of the plank is used as a design element.
Woodcut Chisels
Traditionally a very sharp set of chisels used as the clean cut requires little if any clean up afterwards it is however a slower process. A power tool like a dremel with assorted bits is faster in some senses and has a wide range of tools to smooth and sand a burred surface left by the gouge and similar bits used to rapid remove material.
One tool, the graver, is sufficient for the beginner and will keep you occupied for a long time.
Some wood engravers will use a dremel tool for amazing results, but it requires an investment.
If you wish to go the traditional route you might want to look at the online book by John Farleigh where he discusses tools for the beginner.