John Jānis Šteins

:: Artist ::

Midnight Light

The ‘Midnight Light’ album with myself on six and twelve-string guitar and sax/flute player Scott Sheerin. Including the super-cool engineer/musician Daniel Lanois at the recording console in his Hamilton, Ontario studio (my birthplace!). Produced by Canadian musician/producer David Essig. We recorded everything live to tape over two intense, exhilarating days.

This listening experience can be likened to a reflection pool with the Canadian North shimmering on the surface.

Contributions from the amazing musicianship of David Essig, Daniel Lanois, Scott Merritt, Bob Becker, Kimberly Boyce, Carleen Amos and Paula Hassard, along with Jude Johnson and Rob Wallinger, made it all happen. After such a long time, I still have much gratitude and always will.

Midnight Light album by John Steins and Scott Sheerin

Listen to some clips on the Spotify player above. It can be purchased for download on iTunes. For the hardcore audiophile, the original vinyl is available, as well as cassette tapes that can be purchased on this site, as well as the CD release. PURCHASE HERE.

Hopefully, this music will live on as a part of Yukon’s rich musical heritage. I like to think that time hasn’t taken the shine off our music. It still resonates for many listeners, all the way from 1981. I hope it does for you as well!

I’m intrigued with the idea of translating imagery into sound. Using the virtual ANS program that allows you to do so, I loaded a picture of Stephen King and manipulated the following piece. Has a creepy tinge to it. How apropos!

This track is a little more accessible from one of our sessions while exploring new ideas.  My dad’s art serves as the background. There’s a bit of distortion here and there because the remix had some issues. I will revisit at some point.


  1. Bruce Wauchope June 28, 2009

    So what is Scott Sheerin up to these days? Say hello for me, if you will. Thanks.

  2. John Steins June 28, 2009 — Post author

    Hi Bruce,
    Regretfully I’ve been out of touch with Scott for some time now. I believe he lives in Santa Barbara.

  3. ed January 6, 2010

    I found Scott, if you want to get back in touch email me [email protected]

  4. Elizabeth McVicar March 30, 2010

    I’m delighted to see that “Midnight Light” is available on CD. (I have it on vinyl.) Call me old fashioned, but I don’t shop on-line. If you would be kind enough to tell me the total cost of the CD, with taxes and shipping (to Burnaby, BC), I’d be delighted to mail you a cheque along with my mailing address.

  5. John Steins March 31, 2010 — Post author

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks very much! I’ve sent you an email with all the info.


  6. Timothy Keenan June 5, 2010

    Hello John! I’ve always loved this album! It’s a classic!

  7. John Steins July 8, 2010 — Post author

    Hey Tim, Long time no see!! Glad the music still resonates, probably the best compliment ever! Thanks.

    How are you doing anyway?


  8. Karen April 11, 2011

    Love these songs, perhaps I’ll just cross the road and come and buy a CD

  9. John Steins April 11, 2011 — Post author

    For you… special price!

  10. evelyn September 14, 2011

    Naturally Excellent

  11. Valerie Greeley March 10, 2012

    Hello John,

    I have written a blog post about wood engraving and in particular the work of Joh Farleigh. I have included a link to your site, I hope this is ok with you?

    Enjoying he music too!

    regards, Valerie.

  12. John Steins March 10, 2012 — Post author

    Thanks so much Valerie. Of course it’s fine to link to me. Glad you are writing about Mr. Farleigh, I enjoy his work so much.

    And glad you are hearing some of my music.


  13. Joanna Finch March 18, 2012

    Hello John, I’m delighted to have stumbled upon you- and Scott- in the same night. I had the pleasure of attending the concert in Faro when you and Scott played in 1981, I think it was. Your playing was the highlight of the festival for me. I was absolutely transported.

    This album has remained one of my favourites- it is timeless and rich with Canadian imagery. Thank you for having it available in CD form. I have a signed record, but I don’t own a record player anymore. When I listen to your playing I am transported to a very important time in my life.

    I’d like to buy a CD- I’m like Elizabeth- I don’t buy online…even though my music is sold that way too. Could you please send me one?

    Thanks. I love your art as well, by the way. I especially enjoy your woodcuts and the portraits photos. If you’re ever on Vancouver island I would welcome you and show you around.

    All the best,

  14. John Steins March 18, 2012 — Post author

    Hi Joanna,

    Thanks so very much for “stumbling” upon my site and for taking the time to write. Thanks also for the kind words. Yes, it’s been awhile since Farrago but I have visited Faro quite a few times over the last few years. Now that their mining boom is over it’s becaome a very agreeable community situated in the most beautiful location.

    I don’t often get to your neck of the woods but I will certainly let you know when I do. There’s another fantastic part of Canada that needs to be explored!

    I’ll email you directly about the CD.


  15. Jimi June 23, 2012


    If all the teasures of the human creative endeavours over all time were the plums hanging on one tree, we may imagine what; maybe 1,000 plums and that is alot to keep track of, and this would include a Tommy Thompson and for me a David Blackwood and Joni’s Blue but it would also include this musical journey of yours so long ago. Having owned a copy since it’s inception year it has always registered it’s independant place in my memories and feelings.

    How is it that you have not revisited your musical journey and created another work? This somewhat mystifies me. Best to you..J

  16. John Steins June 24, 2012 — Post author

    Thanks Jimi, yes it’s hard to explain why I haven’t returned to composing music for the guitar. Listening to encouraging and humbling words like yours certainly gives me pause. I suppose it’s never too late. My guitars are in their respective cases waiting to be opened up and played.

  17. Steve Fruitman October 16, 2013

    Played Sunfall on my program – you can find the playlist

    got the vinyl. I think Sherry Hassard gave it to me a long time ago

  18. John Steins October 23, 2013 — Post author

    Hey Steve, Thanks very much for including Sunfall in your playlist. Rally appreciate it.


  19. Christian Fuchs May 27, 2024

    This record has been in my vinyl collection for the better of 35 years and I am listening to it now as I clack this message out to you.
    I have always found that the music on this album instills a spiritual peace and calmness down to my soul.
    My son is a musician so I appreciate and am grateful for the time and effort you and the team around you at the time put into creating this wonderful piece of musical art.
    Thank you,

  20. John Steins May 27, 2024 — Post author

    Christian, Thank you so much for your comments regarding Midnight Light. It means so much to me that it is still appreciated after all of this time.

    Thanks so much,

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